

कौशल विकास, सुगठित विकास

Development of skills among the youth of a country increases their labor productivity and opens up thousands of employment opportunities for them. This makes the country's human labor competitive and makes our country a leader in the business world. This is important in the economic development of the country. Investing in a high quality workforce is an opportunity. Relevant and quality skills enable productivity growth and foreign direct investment, resulting in more and better jobs for the current workforce and greater public and private investment in the education and training system. This, in turn, increases employment and productivity for both current and future workforces.


At present, every country is engaged in setting up a skill-based education system to make its education system more productive. India has also moved in this direction with the skill development scheme. Our organization is increasing the availability of employment by providing job-oriented training to the youth which can be given in working time.

We provide various types of skill training through skill training centers of AEWS.

  • Haircut

  • Beautician

  • Tailoring

  • Embroidery knitting

  • Culinary Skills

  • Making pickle or Papad

  • Paintings

  • Masonry.   

  • etc.