Education is the basic element of the society. Education is the best investment by any country and society which can give the best returns, making the future golden. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states that "Everyone has the right to education." But even today 57 million children are out of school.
In India too, at least 35 million children in the age group of 6-14 do not attend school. 53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate. Only 53% of habitations in India have a primary school. Only 20% of the settlements in India have a secondary school. If we see in this way, the country from which the light of science and education once spread in the world, today in that country only so many children are deprived of their basic rights of education.
Paying attention in this direction, the Government of India has worked towards improving this situation with the help of social service organizations along with provision of right to education.
Our organization with its motto that "no child will be deprived of primary education" will work with special action plans in many directions. Our organization has prepared many schemes to ensure the primary education of every child while ensuring the participation of the society.
Our Efforts
For destitute children, AEWS volunteers will go to their settlements and give them education.
AEWS volunteers will provide education for regular primary education in those settlements which do not have primary schools. Earlier there is a system of giving scholarship to such children studying in any school who are facing financial difficulties in their studies.
Ensuring the participation of the society and the school, a system is being made to waive the fees by the school and to cooperate in the expenses of the education of an affluent child.
Coordination will be done with government schools to provide certificates to children studying in schools run by AEWS volunteers.
There are public welfare government schemes for primary education, every effort will be made by the organization for this.