

दानं ख्यातिकरं सदा हितकरं संसार सौख्याकरं

Charity brings fame, always beneficial, and makes the world happy

A small contribution of your time or money can change someone's life. In this way you become a partner in the progress of the nation and society.

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Become A Volunteer

You can make a difference in the lives of others

You can also fulfill your responsibility of social service by joining our public welfare programs. a small effort made by you can make Mankind and our Earth very beautiful.

  • Granted under the 12 Clause (IV) of first proviso to sub-section (5) of section 80G
    Assessment year from 28-02-2023 to AY 2025-2026
    Unique Registration Number - AAMAA9679GE20221
  • Granted under the 02-Sub clause (vi) of clause (ac) of sub-section (1) of section 12A
    Assessment year from AY 2023-24 to AY 2025-2026
    Unique Registration Number - AAMAA9679GF20231